B&B Fiera del Mare

/, Senza categoria @en/B&B Fiera del Mare

B&B Fiera del Mare

Corso Aurelio Saffi, 5
16128 Genova
Email: info@fieradelmare.com

Assagenti-Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner Agreement
(13-20 September 2015)

€80,00 for the single room
€90,00 for the double room
€100,00 for the triple room
€ 160,00 for the total structure (5 beds) – minimum stay of 3 nights

Breakfast included

Tourism tax not included (€1,00 per person)

Parking not included (€15,00 per day)

By | 2018-02-28T11:32:30+00:00 August 24th, 2015|Hotel @en, Senza categoria @en|0 Comments

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