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Genoa Shipping Week Event

ShippingDinner_presThe Shipbroker and Shipagents Dinner is one of the major events on the international scene, in the area of shipping, logistics and ports. Every two years this event brings to Genoa, capital of the Italian Shipping, all the maritime world for one whole week, thus creating an opportunity of encounter for the managers of the compartment: shipowners, shipmanagers, shipagents, forwarders, lawyers, insurance brokers, traders, terminal operators, port service providers, bankers, charterers, naval providers etc.

The Shipbrokers Dinner, now in its 12th edition is organized by the “Young Shipbrokers and Shipagents Group” of Genoa and it will be held on the 20th of September at the Fiera of Genoa in the Pavillion designed by the architect Jean Nouvel with its picturesque terrace overlooking the sea, from which a fascinating final entertaining show will be visible.

Padiglione-BluThe Dinner, which is part of the Genoa Shipping Week events, a week full of conventions, conferences and convivial activities organized by the main Genoese brokers and maritime agents, is reserved for the guests of the companies associated with Assagenti. With about 130 members Assagenti is the most important Italian association of brokers and maritime agents and subscribe to Federagenti which gathers together 25 federate associations for a total of nearly 600 companies who employ almost 8 thousand operators with an overall sales volume of a billion euro.

flagsParticipants at the Genoese Dinner represent more than 1100 companies, belonging to almost 40 countries including: Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Libya, Malta, Principality of Monaco, Morocco, Holland, Norway, The Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.

History – When in 1993 the “Young Shipbrokers and Shipagents Group” of Genoa decided to organize the Dinner, read more…

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