Genoashippingdinner Shipbroker Shipagent dinner Wed, 26 Nov 2014 16:03:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Event 2013 Fri, 10 Jan 2014 20:36:02 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

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Welcome to Genoa Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:49:16 +0000 Daar Guests,

as you already know, from this year the Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner is part of Genoa Shipping Week which is a new and important industry event focusing on the essential role of the maritime sector for the world industry development.

Welcoming you in Genoa, we attach the calendar of the Week with a detailed program. If you need more information about the events please check our website

All the events are free and open to all, apart from the Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner which is traditionally restricted to Genoeses shipagents and shipbrokers’ companies and their guests. Only for the Port&ShippingTech conferences registration is required at this link.

For those of you who are landing in Genoa Airport, at the Arrival hall you will find a Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner’s desk for all the support and the information you need.

If you are interesting to participate at our charity event, the International shipping run, which will be held Friday the 20th, starting from 8 o’clock, please fill in the Form and send it to: It is a 10 km ˝Training˝ in the heart of Genoa old town at a ˝relaxed˝pace, in company of Stefano Baldini, Marathon runner, Olympic Gold medalist at Athens 2004. The subscription fee of 20 € will be donated in favor of the families of Torre Giano victims. Here you can check the itinerary.

Best regards.

The Secretary

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53° INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:52:35 +0000 Salone nauticoFrom 2 to 6 October 2013 the 53° Genoa International Boat Show will be the point of reference for all lovers of the sea and the entire world of yachting industry.

Fiera di Genova and UCINA Confindustria Nautica, organizers of the event, extend a warm invitation to visit the exhibition; in collaboration with Shipbrokers and Shipagents Association in Genoa, on the occasion of the twelfth edition of the Shipagents and Shipbrokers Dinner, in the month of September will receive the Best card that allow you to visit the exhibition and take advantage of a number of privileged services.

For more informations, download the brochure.

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CAFFÈ EXCELSIOR PORTOFINO Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:40:41 +0000 Caffè Excelsior PortofinoExcelsior Caffè of Portofino is the ideal place for meeting and business breakfast.

It is situated in the middle of the Piazzetta di Portofino, in privileged position, it offers the possibility to booking its internal or external areas, fully or in part, also for numerous groups.


Read the proposal.

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MOROMARE Restaurant – Pizzeria Fri, 06 Sep 2013 12:16:08 +0000 MOROMARE Restaurant Pizzeria

Moromare - Pizze

Agreement Assagenti – Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner
(19-21 September 2013)

Moromare Foce
Corso Marconi 76r
16129 Genoa
Ph: 010586893

10% discount

Moromare Nervi
Corso Europa 1833
16166 Genoa
Tel: 010 3231391

10% discount

Possibility to have personalized menus according to the requests (min 5 people).

Examples of menu:

Menù Terra:
Fried focaccine with white soft cheese
Trofiette with pesto or pansotti with walnuts souce
Samples of focaccie with cheese
Water and coffee
23 euro

Menù Mare:
Warm salad of sea
Linguine with mussels, clams and fresh tomato
Ligurian Sea Bream
Millefeuille dessert
Water and coffee
33 euro

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AC HOTELS – MARRIOTT **** Thu, 08 Aug 2013 13:44:17 +0000 Corso Europa, 1075 – 16148 Genova
Ph. +39 010/3071180
Fax +39 010/3071275

Agreement Assagenti – Shipbrokers and SHIPAGENTS Dinner
(16-21 September 2013)

Rates 3 ​​night minimum:
- € 110.00 double room for single use
- € 120.00 double room

Rates for less than 3 nights:
- € 125.00 double room for single use
- € 135.00 double room

Inclusive of buffet breakfast and VAT 10%
Tourist tax not included (€ 2,00 per person per night)
Shuttle service on request with charge

_CAMERA AC Standard Facciata AC Genova ingresso AC ]]> 0
Genoa Shipping Week – Calendar of events Fri, 02 Aug 2013 09:55:16 +0000 From this year the Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner is part of Genoa Shipping Week which is a new and important industry event focusing on the essential role of the maritime sector for the world industry development.

With many congresses, seminars, and convivial events planned for the week, Genoa Shipping week will be the high level networking opportunity for managers across all sectors of the international shipping community.

The majors events of the week will be the Port&ShippingTech conferences and the traditional Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner, to be held on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September.

The Port&ShippingTech conferences will be held at the Congress Centre Porto Antico, core of Genoa maritime and port activities, where high level speakers (government representatives, industry managers, university professors, experts in advanced technology, in logistic, in environmentally friendly system, in strategic and competitive development) will focus on best business practices, technological innovations and new fuels to reduce the environmental impact of shipping (green shipping summit); development areas for national maritime cluster focusing on Turkey and North Africa (new markets) and innovative projects for the optimization of port logistics (smart port).

Other events such as the seminar  “The authorized economic operator (AEO) and the simplified management of the intermodal Custom” will be held at palazzo San Giorgio, the spectacular head quarter of the Genoa Port Authority, and at many others historical and fascinating buildings of the city.

Here below you may find the calendar of the week. If you want to keep updated about the Genoa Shipping Week’s news you may look up our program.

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All the events are free and open to all, apart from the Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner which is traditionally restricted to Genoeses shipagents and shipbrokers’ companies and their guests. Only for the Port&ShippingTech conferences registration is required at this link.

Other information about the events are available at our website

For a list of selected hotels with special rates click here

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Shoot your port. Genoa photo contest Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:46:37 +0000 Catturare in uno scatto il significato che diamo al nostro porto, come lo immaginiamo, come lo viviamo e come lo vorremmo. Il concorso fotografico “Shoot your port. Genoa photo contest”, organizzato dal GGR (Gruppo Giovani Riuniti), in collaborazione con i Gruppi Giovani di Assagenti e Confindustria e l’Associazione PdA, Giovani Architetti,  vuole raccogliere immagini creative del porto commerciale, che rappresenta Genova, la sua storia e la sua ricchezza economica.

Il concorso è gratuito e aperto a tutta la città. I partecipanti potranno iscriversi attraverso il sito: e potranno inviare un massimo di due scatti entro il primo settembre 2013.

La premiazione si terrà tra il 15 e il 20 settembre al Genoa Port Centre, al Porto Antico di Genova, in cui, in collaborazione con Pitto-P.Zeta, sarà allestita una mostra con i 15 scatti più belli. Grazie al supporto del Gruppo Fos e del Politeama Genovese le prime due foto vincenti saranno premiate rispettivamente con un Ipad mini e due abbonamenti alla stagione 2013/2014 del Politeama Genovese, mentre il terzo classificato riceverà un libro di fotografia.

La giuria sarà composta da Giancarlo Pinto, architetto e professore di fotografia applicata presso la Facoltà di Architettura di Genova, Orietta Bay, critico fotografico, Ilaria Abignente, Gruppo Giovani di Confindustria, Paolo Raffetto, PdA Giovani Architetti e Ambrogio Zilliken, Gruppo Giovani Assagenti. Alla premiazione parteciperà anche Lanfranco Colombo, fotografo e fondatore di  “Il Diaframma” di Milano, la prima galleria privata al mondo dedicata esclusivamente alla fotografia.

Il concorso “Shoot Your Port. Genoa Photo Contest” si inserisce nel calendario degli eventi legati alla Genoa Shipping Week, che dal 15 al 22 settembre animerà Genova con una serie di iniziative e convegni dedicati al mondo marittimo internazionale, che termineranno il 20 settembre alla Fiera di Genova con il tradizionale Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner, organizzato dagli agenti marittimi genovesi. Alla foto vincitrice del concorso, che verrà esposta all’interno del padiglione Jean Nouvel della Fiera di Genova, spetterà anche la vetrina della serata di gala, per cui sono attesi circa 2500 partecipanti, provenienti da 40 Paesi.

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Welcome to the new sponsors Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:29:59 +0000 Assagenti is pleased to welcome the new sponsors of the twelfth edition of Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner, with its 2,500 participants expected.

Voltri Terminal Europa, Rimorchiatori Riuniti Porto di Genova and Logtainer will be Silver Sponsor of the event, while DBA Group joined as Bronze Sponsor.

Thanks also to F.lli Morandi & C., Genoa Sea Brokers, Ship and Crew Service, Hugo Trumpy and Agenzia Matittima Cambiaso&Risso, which have confirmed their participation as Member Sponsors.

The twelfth Shipbrokers and Shipagents Dinner is part of Genoa Shipping Week, which from September 15 to 22 will light up the city of Genoa with events on maritime shipping, logistics and technological innovation which will highlight the importance of the maritime sector for the world’s industry development. (

To look up our sponsorship packages please visit our website

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Genoa Shipping Week onboard of a Luxury Yacht Mon, 15 Jul 2013 14:34:07 +0000 A UNIQUE ACCOMODATION FOR THE EVENT OF THE YEAR.
For an original alternative to the traditional hotel accommodation, choose to spend your stay on a luxury yacht and enjoy the beautiful sunrise of Genoa easily from the deck of your boat.

For more information on the booking process and to find out all the offers, please contact:
SCS – Ship & crew Services Srl
Via Fieschi 8/6-16121 Genova
Tel +39 010 8991080-Fax +39 0108935914

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